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Seminar co-sponsored by The Japan Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and The Research Center for Food Safety, the University of Tokyo


Epidemiology of Infectious Animal Diseases

元米国農務省獣医官のTerrance Wilson氏による講義(英語)を行います。学外の方も、奮ってご参加ください。

日時 2012年10月2日(火) 16:30-19:00
場所 東京大学農学部フードサイエンス棟地上1階 中島ホール
参加費 無料
主催 獣医疫学会


This presentation will offer topics relevant to the who, what, why, how and when of animal diseases and productivity.
We will offer relevant information regarding animal disease investigation procedures and the important relationship between the animal owners, the veterinarian relevant to the gathering of statistical data. The role of veterinary epidemiologist as coordinators for the collection, analysis and formulation of disease hypotheses will be offered. Historical actual field outbreaks of Trans Boundary diseases (TAD) such as FMD- Canada- 1951; FMD- Taiwan-1997 / 1999; FMD-UK-2001 and FMD-Japan 2000 / 2010 will be highlighted for epidemiological principles. The major current West Nile Virus outbreak in the USA will be discussed. Global rabies, especially in Africa and Asia will be presented. A question and answer session will be entertained.
