Activities in 2009
December 29, 2009
Construction status of the newly built Food Science Tower (December 29, 2009)

November 27, 2009
Interim report session for FCP
Date and time: November 27, 2009 13:00-18:00
Location: Annex Seihoku Gallery, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
Sponsored by: the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
Co-sponsored by: the Research Center for Food Safety, AGRI-COCOON
Speech by the sponsor: Tokunori Hirao, Chief of the Safety Bureau, MAFF
Speech by the co-sponsor: Susumu Kumagai, Director, the Research Center for Food Safety
Keynote Speech: Yasuhiro Nakashima (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Agricultural and Sciences, The University of Tokyo)

November 13, 2009
Seminar sponsored by Research Center for Food Safety
Biological effect of organochlorine compounds – TCDD, PCB
Date and time: November 13, 17:00-18:45
Location: No. 1 Seminar Room, University Library for Agricultural and Life Sciences (3F)

October 15-16, 2009
International symposium: “Food safety and health improvement”
Sponsored by: the Research Center for Food Safety, AGRI-COCOON
Dates: October 15 (Thursday) – October 16 (Friday), 2009
Location: Yayoi Auditorium, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo

October 10, 2009
Symposium to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Association of Japanese Agricultural Scientific Societies
“Food in the World, Food in Japan”
Sponsored by: the Association of Japanese Agricultural Scientific Societies
Date: October 10, 2009 (Saturday)
Location: Yayoi Auditorium, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
Lecture: “Control of zoonosis and safety of livestock products” by Tsutomu Sekizaki (Research Center for Food Safety)

September 23, 2009
Special lecture by Lord Krebs and panel discussion
“Food and science – dialogue of life”
Date and time: September 23, 2009 (Wednesday), 13:30-16:00
Location: Yasuda Auditorium
Sponsored by: the Research Center for Food Safety, AGRI-COCOON

September 07, 2009
Seminar: Bacteriocins to Reduce Pathogens
Date and time: September 7, 2009 (Monday), 16:00-17:00
Location: Rooms 104 and 105, No. 7 Hall, Faculty of Agriculture
Sponsored by: the Research Center for Food Safety

July 16, 2009
To play an important role in international bodies (the 2nd session): “The organizations to discuss global standards for securing food safety throughout the world”
Date and time: July 16 (Thursday), 17:30-18:30
Location: Room 106, Tower A, No. 7 Hall
Lecturer: Kazuaki Miyagishima (Former director general, FAO/WHO CODEX)
Participants: 10 students, 3 faculties, 6 people outside the university

June 26, 2009
To play an important role in international bodies (the 1st session)
Date and time: June 26 (Friday), 18:00-19:00
Location: Room 211, No. 3 Hall, Faculty of Agriculture
Advisor: Katsuaki Sugiura
Participants: 5 students, 2 faculties

June 20, 2009
Open seminar by Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo (the 36th) “Is Japanese food safe?”
Date and time: June 20, 2009 (Saturday), 13:30-16:20
Location: Ichijo Hall, Yayoi Auditorium, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo
Three lecturers including the faculties at the Research Center for Food Safety lectured in front of many attendees.

June 11, 2009
Conducted a “pray for safety” ceremony for construction of new Food and Science Tower
Date: June 11, 2009 (on Taian)
A “pray for safety” ceremony for constructing the Food Science Tower where the Research Center for Food Safety would be located was conducted solemnly by Nezu Shrine as the master of the religious ceremony.

Left: A Shinto ritual by a priest, Right: A panel of the architect’s concept

May 29, 2009
“Research Center for Food Safety” was designated as a Collaborating Centre of OIE (World Organization for Animal Health).
Name: OIE Collaborating Centre for Food Safety (Asia/Pacific),
OIE website:

April 23, 2009
The 15th Science Technology Exchange Forum sponsored by University Corporate Relations Network, The University of Tokyo
“Food Safety:” Deployment of food safety sciences to support safe and healthy life
Date and time: April 23, 2009 (Thursday), 13:00-17:15 (Exchange meeting from 17:30)
Location: [Forum] Main conference Room, 2F, Sanjo Conference Hall, The University of Tokyo (Hongo Campus)
[Exchange meeting] Lounge, 1F., Sanjo Conference Hall, The University of Tokyo

Sanjo Conference Hall, The University of Tokyo

March 25, 2009
Exchange meeting of advisory group for the Research Center for Food Safety
Date and time: March 25, 2009 (Wednesday), 16:00-19:30
Location: No. 141 Meeting Room 1F, No. 3 Hall, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Tokyo

March 2009
Mr. Yasuhisa Ano was presented with the president’s award of the University of Tokyo in 2008
At the initial stage of the onset of BSE or scrapie, abnormal prion protein is considered to be absorbed through the epithelium of the intestinal mucous membrane, although the detailed mechanism is unknown. Yasuhisa Ano (the 2nd year of the master’s course, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology) thoroughly researched the intestinal mucosal absorption route of infectious prion protein and β-amyloid made with genetic engineering technologies, the distribution pattern, and the relation of age in days for the animals that took those substances. Consequently, he discovered new facts including a high chance of penetration into the epithelium before ablactation, etc. He was presented with the president’s award for his enthusiasm in research as well as continued great academic achievements.

March 2009
2009 Japanese Agriculture Award and Yomiuri Agriculture Award
Professor Takashi Onodera (Animal Resources Sciences), a concurrent teaching staff member at the Research Center for Food Safety, was presented with two awards, as a series of research results in investigating the properties and action of prion protein causing BSE and scrapie were highly acknowledged.
Awarded research title: “Research on the animal model with viral autoimmune disorder and late-onset disease”

February 27, 2009
AGS Seminar: “Food safety and security issues – what are the problems?”
Lecture: “Food safety and security issues – what are the problems?”
Lecturer: Hirokazu Tsubone (the Research Center for Food Safety)
Date: February 27, 2009 (Friday)
Location: The main conference Room, Sanjo Conference Hall
Sponsored by: AGS Promotion Office, The University of Tokyo