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[ 放射性物質関連 ] [ Radioactive substance related ]

Papers written in English

  • Sasaki J, Hiratani K, Sato I, Satoh H, Deguchi Y, Chida H, Natsuhori M, Murata T, Ochiai K, Otani K, Okada K, Ito N. Pathological findings of Japanese Black Cattle living in the restricted area of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, 2013-2016. Anim Sci J. 88(12):2084-2089. 2017.
  • Nieves-Cordones, M, Mohamed S, Tanoi K, Kobayashi N. I, Takagi K, Vernet A, Guiderdoni E, Périn C, and Sentenac H. Véry, A.-A. Production of low-Cs(+) rice plants by inactivation of the K(+) transporter OsHAK1 with the CRISPR-Cas system. Plant Journal 92(1):43-56, 2017.
  • Sato I, Natsuhori M, Sasaki J, Satoh H, Murata T, Nakamura T, Otani K, Okada K. Local variation of soil contamination with radioactive cesium at a farm in Fukushima. Jpn J Vet Res. 64(1):95-9. 2016.
  • Sato I, Sasaki J, Satoh H, Murata T, Otani K, Okada K. Radioactive cesium and potassium in cattle living in the ‘zone in preparation for the lifting of the evacuation order’ of the Fukushima nuclear accident. Anim Sci J. 88:1021-1026, 2016.
  • Suzuki K, Yamaji N, Costa A, Okuma E, Kobayashi N. I, Kashiwagi T, Katsuhara M, Wang C, Tanoi K, Murata Y, Schroeder J.I, Ma J.F, Horie T. OsHKT1;4-mediated Na+ transport in stems contributes to Na+ exclusion from leaf blades of rice at the reproductive growth stage upon salt stress. BMC Plant Biology doi:10.1186/s12870-016-0709-4, 2016.
  • Del Vecchio H.A, Ying S, Park J, Knowles V.L, Kanno S, Tanoi K, She Y-M and Plaxton W.C. The cell wall-targeted purple acid phosphatase AtPAP25 is critical for acclimation of Arabidopsis thaliana to nutritional phosphorus deprivation. The Plant Journal 80:569-581, 2014.
  • Kobae Y, Tomioka R, Tanoi K, Kobayashi N. I, Ohmori Y, Nishida S, Fujiwara T, Selective induction of putative iron transporters. OPT8a and OPT8b, in maize by mycorrhizal colonization, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 60:843–847, 2014.
  • Nishiyama R, Tanoi K, Yanagisawa S and Yoneyama T. Quantification of zinc transport via the phloem to the grain in rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) at early grain-filling by a combination of mathematical modeling and 65Zn tracing. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 59:750-755, 2013.
  • Saito T, Kobayashi N.I, Tanoi K, Iwata N, Suzuki H, Iwata, R. and Nakanishi T.M. Expression and Functional Analysis of the CorA-MRS2-ALR-Type Magnesium Transporter Family in Rice. Plant and Cell Physiology 54:1673-1683, 2013.
  • Sugita R, Kobayashi N.I, Hirose A, Ohmae Y, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T.M. Nondestructive Real-Time Radioisotope Imaging System for Visualizing 14C-labeled Chemicals Supplied as CO2 in Plants Using Arabidopsis Thaliana. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 298:1411-1416, 2013.
  • Kobayashi N.I, Saito T, Iwata N, Ohmae Y, Iwata R, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T.M. Leaf Senescence in Rice due to Magnesium Deficiency Mediated Defect in Transpiration Rate Before Sugar Accumulation and Chlorosis. Physiologia Plantarum 148:490-501, 2013.
  • Kobayashi N.I, Iwata N, Saito T, Suzuki H, Iwata R, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T.M. Different Magnesium Uptake and Transport Activity Along the Rice Root Axis Revealed by 28Mg Tracer Experiments. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 59:149-155, 2013.
  • Tanoi K, Kobayashi N.I, Saito T, Iwata N, Hirose A, Ohmae Y, Iwata R, Suzuki H. and Nakanishi T.M. Application of 28Mg to the Kinetic Study of Mg Uptake by Rice Plants. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296:749-751, 2013.
  • Ohmae Y, Hirose A, Sugita R, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T. CARBON-14 LABELLED SUCROSE TRANSPORTATION IN AN ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA USING AN IMAGING PLATE AND REAL TIME IMAGING SYSTEM. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296:413-416, 2013.
  • Kobayashi N.I, Iwata N, Saito T, Suzuki H, Iwata R, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T.M. Application of 28Mg for Characterization of Mg Uptake in Rice Seedling under Different pH Conditions. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296:531-534, 2013.
  • Hirose A, Yamawaki M, Kanno S, Igarashi S, Sugita R, Ohmae Y, Tanoi K and Nakanishi T. Development of a 14C Detectable Real-Time Radioisotope Imaging System for Plants under Intermittent Light Environment. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 296:417-422, 2013.
  • Kobayashi N.I, Tanoi K, Hirose, A. and Nakanishi T.M. Characterization of Rapid Intervascular Transport of Cadmium in Rice Stem by Radioisotope Imaging. Journal of Experimental Botany 64:507-517, 2013.
  • Kanno S, Yamawaki M, Ishibashi H, Kobayashi N.I, Hirose A, Tanoi K, Nussaume L and Nakanishi Tomoko M. Development of Real-Time Radioisotope Imaging Systems for Plant Nutrient Uptake Studies. Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B 367:1501-1508, 2012.
  • Kobayashi I.N, Tanoi K, Kanno, S. and Nakanishi T.M. Analysis of the Iron Movement in the Root Tip Part Using Real-Time Imaging System. RADIOISOTOPES 61:121-128, 2012.

Papers written in Japanese

  • 二瓶 直登, 田野井 慶太朗, 中西 友子.
    RADIOISOTOPES 62:269-274, 2013.
  • 二瓶 直登, 田野井 慶太朗, 中西 友子.
    RADIOISOTOPES 62:135-139, 2013.
  • 二瓶 直登, 増田 さやか, 田野井 慶太朗, 頼 泰樹, 中西 友子.
    RADIOISOTOPES 61:539-544, 2012.
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